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Our Projects
Makeover - Lafayette
We converted this 1/3 acre lot from bare lawn and some dying trees into a lush, thriving landscape that provides tons of food and attracts birds and butterflies galore!

Food Forest - Concord
This project was done is late 2023 and features a dry creek bed with water-retaining swale, loads of perennial edibles - fruit trees, berries, vines, greens and tubers!

Backyard Beautification - Berkeley
This family's weedy lot is transformed into a comfortable place to watch the birds, bees, and butterflies.

Stylized Creekbed - Alameda
River rocks are arranged to resemble flowing water.

Landscape Access & Deck - Piedmont
We gave this sloping landscape a set of teak wood steps, handrails and a deck.
Landscape Access & Deck

Slope Stabilization - Lafayette
Using plant roots is an efficient way to anchor erosive slopes. These creeping groundcovers will spread out and root in every direction.

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